YE’S — the international chain of aparthotels YE’S
YE’S — the international chain of aparthotels created by “Pioneer” company group in 2011
The YE’S aparthotel chain has its own technical and operational standards that combine high international requirements and the distinctive nature of the aparthotel segment in Russia.
YE’S aparthotels are a new product on the Russian real estate market and combine hotel, residential and investment components.
The year of the creation of the YE’S aparthotel chain
Current number of suites
Planned number of suites
Legal security of rental conditions, long-term contracts and stable rental rates are YE’S reliability guarantees for private and corporate tenants.
YE’Saparthotels locations
YE’S projects are presented in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and awarded with international certificates and awards.

YE’S Hoshimina
Saint Petersburg
975 suites
GC «Pioneer»

YE’S Mitino
504 suites
GC «Pioneer»

YE’S Marata
Saint Petersburg
1188 suites
GC «Pioneer»

YE’S Nizhny Novgorod
Nizhny Novgorod
833 suites

YE'S Novosibirsk
1400 suites
Aparthotels YE’S
YE’S projects are presented in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and awarded with international certificates and awards.

YE’S Hoshimina
Saint Petersburg 975 suites

YE’S Mitino
Moscow 504 suites

YE’S Marata
Saint Petersburg 1188 suites

YE’S Botanika
Moscow 1032 suites

YE’S Technopark
Moscow 506 suites

YE'S Leader
St.Petersburg 700 suites

YE’S Primorsky
St.Petersburg 860 suites

YE’S Nizhny Novgorod
Nizhny Novgorod 833 suites

YE'S Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk 1400 suites

We do our best
to tell our customers —
«Yes» (YE’S)
YE’S aparthotels awarded with international certificates and awards
BREEAM system international certificate
YE'S Botanica is the winner in the nomination "Hotel Real Estate. Apart-Hotels. Moscow".
The best Service Apartment Management Company
YE'S Marata is the winner in the nomination "Best Apartment Hotel 2022"

Project developer “Pioneer” company group
The “Pioneer” company group specializes in the implementation of urban projects for multifunctional and integrated residential development with subsequent management and aftermarket service.
For more than 18 years of successful work, “Pioneer” company group has accumulated unique experience in implementing projects of various difficulty levels and occupies one of the leading positions in the investment and construction segment of the Russian market: the portfolio of completed and ongoing projects is about 3 million square meters.